【单选题】维吾尔自治区教育厅《关于做好新学期中等职业学校教育教学工作的通知》(新教职称[2018]10号)文件重点对以下哪项工作做了具体要求( )。
【单选题】Tynan's year end is 30 September 20X4 and the following potential liabilities have been identified:Whichof the below should Tynan recognise as liabilities as at 30 September 20X4?
The signing of a cancellable contract in September 20X4 to supply goods in the following year on which, due to a pricing error, a loss will be made
The cost of a reorganisation which was approved by the board in August 20X4 but has not yet been implemented, communicated to interested parties or announced publicly
An amount of deferred tax relating to the gain on the revaluation of a property during the current year. Tynan has no intention of selling the property in the foreseeable future.
The balance on the warranty provision which related to products for which there are no outstanding claims and whose warranties had expired by 30 September 20X4.
【简答题】在【】位置填上正确的代码。下面的程序段定义 struct student 类型的结构体数组 info ,并将数组元素 info[0] 、 info[1] 、 info[2] 初始化为图 8-2 所示数据。
【简答题】读图,完成下列各题。 (7分) (1)说出下列海底地形名称。 ①__________②______________③____________④______________ (2)说出三 种主要的海水运动形式。 _____________;________________;________________。
【单选题】对于下列程序段,正确的是( ) void f(int *p){ *p=5; } int main(void){ int a,*p; a=10; p=&a; f(p); printf(“%d”,(*p)++); return 0; }
【简答题】读图完成下列问题: (1)该图是__________省的轮廓图,___________是本省的行政中心,该市有“___________ ”之称。 (2)A是___________河,B是____________河,C是____________山。 (3)D是___________铁路,E是________油田,F是___________海域。