A train will be delayed due to the bad weather on the way. You are asked to write a letter of apology and post it on the station notice board. 致歉信 亲爱的旅客: 非常抱歉,因南方部分地区遭遇冰雨袭击,T123次列车将晚点。列车具体到站和发车时间还不能确定, 我们的站务人员会在第一时间通知您最新的消息。请注意广播通知。感谢您的耐心等候。我们会随时为您提供服务。 此致 敬礼 XX 火车站 Dear passengers, We of train T123. The train was delayed by an ice rain in Southern China. We could not tell exactly , when the train will our station. Please . We will inform you as soon as we get the latest news. . We will be at your service anytime. Sincerely yours, xx Railway Station