【单选题】企业的投资性房地产采用公允价值计量模式。 2016 年 1 月 1 日,该企业将一项固定资产转换为投资性房地产。该固定资产的账面余额为 100 万元,已提折旧 20 万元,已经计提的减值准备为 10 万元,转换当日的公允价值为 65 万,转换日影响当期损益的金额是 ( ) 万元。
【单选题】当用物标垂直角求距离时,使用的航海仪器是 。
【判断题】We should write immediately when we have to write in an examination, as the time is limited.
【单选题】The examples of Amy Lowell and Beethoven tell us that we should write down a good idea immediately as it may easily disappear.
【判断题】【 】( 2 ) 1978 年思想理论界展开了一场真理标准问题的大讨论,认识到实践才是检验真理的唯一标准。 【 】( 3 ) 1978 年 12 月在北京召开的十一届三中全会,冲破长期 “ 左 ” 的错误的严重束缚,确定了解放思想、开动脑筋、实事求是、团结一致向前看的指导方针,果断实行 “ 以阶级斗争为纲 ” ,实行改革开放的历史性决策。 【 】( 4 ) 1980 年,十一届六中全会召开,通过了...
【判断题】We should write the letter of application as long and detailed as possible so as to make the potential employees fully understand us.
【判断题】When we write on paper, we should write to the very edge of the page.
【单选题】We should write to the government and ask them to___the factories.
【单选题】( )年,在党的( )上通过了《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》。