【简答题】找出文中生词,在生词下面划线。 很快到了“五一”,放假前一天快中午的时候,他提着一袋橘子来了,进了门还没说话,脸就红了。 他把橘子放到桌子上,不好意思地说:“我的第一份业务是在这里拿到的。我给大家送点儿水果,谢谢你们照顾我的工作,祝大家节日快乐。” 这恐怕是他说过的最长的一句话,好像事先练习过,很流利。 我们都不好意思起来,他只是一个快递员,挣钱不多,我们怎么能要他的礼物呢?可是他非把橘子留下来不...
【单选题】听力原文:The possibility is quite low that this news may cut the ice with David. What does the speaker mean?
It is not very possible that this news may change the mind of David.
It is not very possible that this news may cause much attention of David.
It is not very possible that this news may be welcomed by David.
It is not very possible that this news may do any good to David.
【单选题】If traffic moves at low speeds, the number of accidents is .
【单选题】中国共产党制定全面抗战路线的会议是( )
【判断题】若 是 时的无穷大量,则 不是 时的无穷小量
【单选题】女士的上衣不宜领口过低,不宜太过透明。 Lady's blouses should not be too low collar band or too transparent. Lady's blouses should not be too low cut or too sheer.
Lady's blouses should not be too low collar band or too transparent.
Lady's blouses should not be too low cut or too sheer.
【判断题】若 是 时的无穷小量,则 是 时的无穷大量