【单选题】根据下列材料回答下列各 题。 Passage Four Why is there no risk to the customer when a bank prints the customer’s name to his cheques? Wenn yone opens a cuITent account at a bank,he is lending the bank money,repay.m...
must always be in credit
Can’t draw any money if you’re overdrawn
can draw money without notice
Can’t pay money to anyone else
【简答题】操作题必须以附件形式上传,要求大家逐个上传作品,以便于批改阅览。无计算机的同学须手写详细操作步骤,不得敷衍,凡是操作步骤过于简单的一律打回重做。无论传作品还是写步骤都不得相互抄袭。 1 题目: 使用快速选择工具为照片换背景 提示:视频步骤在 5.1 中,素材在资料库里下载。 要求:请各位同学把做好的作业保存为 PSD 格式的文件(姓名 1 )以附件的形式提交到平台。 2 题目: 使用魔棒工具去除背...
【简答题】Why do some giant stores with strong customer bases show much interest in the customer cards recently?
【判断题】Customer closeness should also be combined with a really strong business sense.
【简答题】a strong customer base牢固的客户群
【简答题】What is important to a strong customer base?