【简答题】A. 小张领入电汇凭证十本,发现其中一份凭证只有两联,缺一联,小张的做法不正确的是( ) B. 与分行会计部联系,凭分行会计部出具的确认书将凭证做作废处理 C. 与发行部门和印刷厂家联系,经厂家确认后,凭厂家出具的书面证明将凭证做作废处理 D. 将差错部分留查,保持原包装封签,并由小张和营业室经理签章证明
【单选题】听力原文:W: Jack said he can give us a fide to the game. M: Oh, good, then he does have his car. What does Jack have?
【单选题】听力原文:W: Jack said he can give us a ride to the game. M: Oh, good, then he does have his car. What does Jack have?
【单选题】并联电阻电路中的总电流等于各支路( )。
【单选题】听力原文:W: Jack said he can give us a ride to the game. M: Oh, good, then he does have his car. What does Jack have?
【单选题】听力原文:W: Jack said he can give us a ride to the game. M: Oh, good, then he does have a car. What does Jack have?