【单选题】患者素有眩晕头痛,突然发生口眼歪斜,舌强言謇或不语,偏身麻木,伴面红目赤,口苦咽干,心烦易怒,尿赤便干。舌质红,苔薄黄,脉弦有力。代表方用( )
【多选题】大思想家麦金太尔著作的《追寻美德》一书中提出了两种对利益的追求,分别是( )
【单选题】The balance of payments is a statistical record of all the economic transaction between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period. The usual ...
The balance of payments is a digital table of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period.
The balance of payments is a figured table of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period.
The balance of payments is a statistical record of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period.
The balance of payments is a digital record of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period.
【单选题】患者素有眩晕头痛,突然发生口眼歪斜,舌强言謇或不语,偏身麻木,伴面红目赤,口苦咽干,心烦易怒,尿赤便干。舌质红,苔薄黄,脉弦有力。代表方用( )
【单选题】患者素有眩晕头痛,突然发生口眼歪斜,舌强言謇或不语,偏身麻木,伴面红目赤,口苦咽干,心烦易怒,尿赤便干。舌质红,苔薄黄,脉弦有力。辨证为( )