【单选题】Focusing on the Main Ideas ▇ Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage. 1. The speaker wants us human beings to...
some people sometimes appear to be so creative
we sometimes seem to be so dull and stupid
some of us appear to be so imaginative sometimes
creativity is the essence of life and nature
【简答题】欢送词.mp4 1. 欢送词的内容一般应包括: 。(多选) A. 回顾旅游活动,感谢大家的合作 B. 表达友谊和惜别之情 C. 诚恳征求旅游者对接待工作的意见和建议 D. 若旅游活动中有不顺利或旅游服务有不尽如人意之处,导游人员可借此机会再次向旅游者赔礼道歉 E. 表达美好的祝愿
【判断题】设曲面 的方程为 在点 处的法线方程为 ( ).
【单选题】患者,男,55岁。因发热伴皮肤、巩膜黄染到医院就诊,检查提示ALT500u/L,TBiL200umol/L,抗HAV IgM(-),抗-HAV IgG(+),抗-HBs(+),抗-HCV(-),抗-HEV IgM(+),诊断应考虑为
【简答题】一、活动形式 十人一组,以小组为单位模拟一个小型会议,研究部署如何开展“世界读书日”校园读书活动。 二、活动要求 会议设主持人、记录人各一人,共同讨论如何开展校园读书活动,与会者都要发言,提出建议和意见,课后每小组提交一份会议记录。 三、课后写作练习 1. 根据会议记录写一份会议纪要。 2. 拟写一份《XX学院关于开展校园读书活动的通知》 3. 拟写一份《XX学院校园读书活动方案》。 4. 将此次...
【单选题】TaskOne: Focusing on the Main Ideas ▇ Choose the best answer to each of the following questions according tothe information contained in the listening passage. 1 When do people come into your life “fo...
When they know you well.
When you need them in life.
When you can support their career.
When they are willing to listen to your troubles.