【判断题】Most foreigners are expected to use chopsticks proficiently.
【单选题】Most foreigners ________ living the Parisian life.
【单选题】Most foreigners prefer to take a ________Tour in Wudang.
【单选题】Most foreigners dream of living the Parisian life and_____ the local crowd.
【单选题】《中华人民共和国防沙治沙法》规定:在沙化土地范围内从事开发建设活动的,必须事先就该项目可能对当地及相关地区( )产生的影响进行环境影响评价,依法提交环境影响报告;环境影响报告应当包括有关防沙治沙的内容。
【多选题】Most foreigners come to visit China because of its ________.
【判断题】For most foreigners, their first impression about China is the food, they speak highly of Chinese cuisine.
【单选题】Most foreigners feel uncomfortable when ____ in the street.
【单选题】Like most foreigners, I ask a lot of questions, some of which are insultingly silly. But everyone I ______ has answered those questions with patience and honesty.
【简答题】土地所有权有争议,不能依法证明争议土地属于农民集体所有的,属于( )所有。