【判断题】IAS 1 requires that some items must appears on the face of the satemet of financial position
【单选题】σ 为________参数(1%) 作答提示:开头第一个英文字母请大写,其余则小写。
【单选题】两个耦合电感在串联时,顺接和反接的等效电感相差( )。
【简答题】A.It's similar to playing notes on a piano. B.It requires a night's sleep. C.It's similar to the way a computer stores information. D.It requires no sleep.
【单选题】IAS 16 requires a revaluation surplus resulting from initial revaluation of PPE to be treated in one of the following ways -
Credited to retained earnings as an unrealised gain
Debited to the class of PPE that is being revalued and credited to a equity
Credited to long-term provisions and added to the PPE
Released to the income statement over the life of the PPE
【简答题】会议室的门宽是( )米、窗宽是( )米。
【判断题】IAS 7 requires statement of cash flows to report cash flows during the period classified by operating , investing and financing activities.
【判断题】For a hyperinflationary environment, the IAS 29 requires that restatement of primary financial statement information.
【简答题】制作PPT时,设置文字的闪烁效果的具体闪烁次数时,可以打开动画窗格-计时— 。