(2005) 在图 5 所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变。闭合开关 S 后,当滑动变阻器滑片 P 向左移动时,电流表的示数将 ___________ (选填“变小”、“不变”或“变大”)。若在电路中再接入一个电压表,且当滑片 P 分别位于变阻器的右端、中点和左端时,电压表的示数如下表所示,则电压表应并联在图中 ___________ 两点之间(选填“ ab ”、“ bc ”或“ ac ”)。 滑片 P 的位置 右端 中点 左端 电压表的示数( V ) 2.0 3.0 6.0
【判断题】Puritans formed the first publicly funded secondary school in America in 1635, called the Boston Latin School , and it is also the oldest educational institution in the country.
【判断题】The puritans believed the original sin of humankind; but also thought that God had determined that the same people, the elect, would be saved despite their sins.