【简答题】Complete the following passage with words and phrases chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each has been given. Many of us these days are learning a foreign language. We are interested in learnin...
【简答题】Design a guessing according to the following passage. The Direct method at the turn of the 20th century, foreign language is taught for speaking purpose. It is direct reaction to Grammar-Transla...
【判断题】判断下面的译文是否正确。45分钟后,我们的食物来了,但是汤太咸,我完全喝不了,牛排煎得过久了,而我点的烤土豆变成了炸薯条。译文:After 45 minutes our food came but my soup was so bitter I couldn't eat it and my steak was rare and came with fries and not the baked ...
【简答题】Please design a guessing according to the following passage. The Direct method At the turn of the 20 th century, foreign language is taught for speaking purpose. It is direct reaction to Grammar-...