【单选题】The romantic archetype of the poor, isolated writer living abroad was perhaps best immortalized by Ernest Hemingway in 'A Moveable Feast,' his memoir of life in Paris as a young writer in the 1920s. Y...
he couldn't afford the high rent in Paris
he wasn't sure if he could afford the rent if he has to put 20,000 dollars in a bank
【单选题】被称为人体冷冻学之父的罗伯特·埃廷格(Robert Ettinger)在1962年写出《不朽的前景》(The Prospect Of Immortality)一书。他在书中列举了大量事实,证明了冷冻复活的可能。比如,许多昆虫和低等生物冬天都冻僵起来,春天又自动复活。下列结论中与上述信息相关的是