【简答题】Excel 2010中,可按需拆分窗口,一张工作表最多拆分为个窗口。
【单选题】( )是表现服装的一种绘画形式,与效果图的画法基本相同,但比效果图要求更高。
【单选题】在Excel2010工作表中,可按需拆分窗口,一张工作表最多拆分为 _______。
【判断题】If the shipment date is “ second half of May ” in the credit, then the goods must be shipped before May 20.( )
【单选题】If the shipment date is “first half of December” in the credit, then the goods must be shipped ( )
December 1st to the 15th, all dates inclusive.
December 1st to the 15th, excluding December 1st.
【单选题】If the shipment date is 'second half of May' in the credit, then the goods must be shipped before May 20. ( )