【单选题】He devoted most of his time to his research, believing his hard work would___sooner or later.
【单选题】The sooner one _____ to the new working conditions, the better it will be _______ his working efficiency.
【单选题】He stopped his friends, beginning his story____, declaring his innocence(清白). [ ]
【简答题】期货案例分析之一:英国巴林银行事件 一、事件发生 1995年2月,具有230多年历史、在世界一千家大银行中按核心资本排名第489位的英国巴林银行宣布倒闭,这一消息在国际金融界引起了强烈震动。 巴林银行的倒闭是由于该行在新加坡的期货公司交易形成巨额亏损引发的。1992年新加坡巴林银行期货公司开始进行金融期货交易不久,前台首席交易员(而且是后台结算主管)里森即开立了“88888”账户。开户表格上注明此...
【单选题】I’m simply ________ the country life. It’s too boring.
【多选题】在中国,发展社会主义民主政治,保证人民当家作主,保证国家政治生活既充满活力又安定有序,关键是要坚持( )有机统一。
【单选题】He was busy with his work but he went to see his grandmother________. [ ]
【单选题】[单选题] 手工等离子弧焊适用的焊接位置是()。