【单选题】Which statement about entry into a water ballast tank that has been sealed for a long time is TRUE?
After ventilation and testing, and the tank is found safe for entry, someone should stand by at the tank entrance while you are inside
A buddy system should be used where someone enters the tank with you
Sea water acts on the ship’s metal and generates chlorine gas which may accumulate in poisonous quantities
You should always wear gas mask
【简答题】改革开放30多年来,Z省发展成为“零资源经济”强省,与政府的开明政策分不开:一是对经济发展进行科学的战略规划,提出了允许小商品生产贸易的政策和“八八战略”等;二是为市场经济发展提供公共产品和公共服务,在全国率先实现了覆盖城乡的社会保障制度;三是营造有利于市场经济健康持续发展的法制环境,规范了市场的发展;四是率先提出推进“文化大省”建设的战略,建立起了覆盖全省的比较完备的公共文化服务体系。 运用政治...
【多选题】组成电路模型的理想电路元件,通常有电阻元件、( )等几种。
【单选题】What size segment will be allocated for a 39 KB request on a system using the Buddy system for kernel memory allocation?
【多选题】防水混凝土的( )等设置和构造,均须符合设计要求,严禁有渗漏。