【单选题】古罗马帝国的象征是 ( ) 。 A. 斗兽场 B. 比萨斜塔 C. 勃兰登堡门 D. 大本钟
【单选题】某基础长 4.8m, 宽 3m, 埋深 1.8m, 基底平均压力 p=170kPa, 地基土为黏土, ,地基土平均自重应力所对应的孔隙比 , 压缩系数 , 基底下1.2m处为不可压缩的岩层。则计算基础的最终沉降量与下列哪个值更接近( )。
【单选题】I ______ her, but I never could.
【判断题】在Haworth投影式中甲基五碳吡喃型糖和六碳吡喃型糖的C 1 —OH与C 5 —R在同侧者称β型,异侧者称α型。( )
【单选题】It must never be forgotten ______ the has no authority to take extraordinary measures for the cargo owner if the latter or his representative can be communicated with.
【判断题】在Haworth投影式中甲基五碳吡喃型糖和六碳吡喃型糖的C 5 —R在面下的为D型糖,在面上的为L型糖。( )
【单选题】Users must never give their password to ______ over the computer network, no matter how official the request appears.