Part B Listening Comprehension Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 听力原文: Matthew Lesley, again and again these days we hear the words 'he's on drugs' and many people feel that these illegal drugs are harmful and people should be prevented from getting hold of them in any way at all, because of the damage they can do. What do you feel about this? Lesley Oh yes, you've got to have some sort of control, because it has been proved that these, some of these things, can do irreparable damage, and I know a horrible story about a kiddie who's in an insane asylum now who, I don't know what she took, but she was at a party and it was the thing to do and she took something and now she's convinced she's an orange and she won't go out of the room for fear somebody's going to squash her. Now this was a sixteen-year-old kid, I mean, you know, I think it's a damn shame and also a great waste of a young fife, because the…life has got nothing for that kid now and she's going to be a problem to the state and everybody else for as long as she lives. Matthew Geth, how widespread is the use of the so-called illegal drugs in England? Geth Er…a recent survey estimated that four million people in the country have tried cannabis, so I suppose it's quite widespread. Matthew Aha…um…do you think that this constitutes some sort of problem to society, or do you think that it should be legalized and made as acceptable as smoking tobacco? Geth Well, as regards cannabis, I think as yet little is known about it, I think it may be a rash thing to legalize it now when so little is known, but it must be said that… um… no positive harm has been proved. Matthew But some people might say that alcohol is very much an unknown quantity, and yet it's been legal for many, many years. Geth Yea, well, in fact, a…alcohol isn't really an unknown…unknown quantity in that it's known to…urn…cause physical damage after long use, and perhaps even after short use…er… It's said also of tobacco er…of course it's been proved that tobacco can give rise to lung cancer…um…heart disease, all sorts of other things and it's often said in support of legalization that while…um…alcohol and tobacco are legal…um…cannabis isn't wh…while no harm has been proved. Matthew Aha, in view of the hostility towards the so-called illegal drugs in things like newspapers and on the television and certainly in parental terms, why do so many young people take drugs? Alan Well, I think there are almost as many reasons as there are people. One of the reasons is because of the hostility. It's the job of the younger generation to reject all the values of the older generation, and it's just as well for human society that this is so, because otherwise we would never change it and make it better. But that's a very superficial answer…Some people take drugs for personality reasons, if you like they feel inadequate, they feel unable to cope, they discover that in drugs they can escape themselves. Such people might turn to alcohol for example, and I think that almost any alcoholic is going to be a person with a personality problem. If a person who took alcohol for that reason were to take LSD though, he would have a nasty shock, because LSD is a very different kind of drug. It doesn't help you to escape from yourself but in fact makes you face right up to yourself and…if somebody isn't aware of the difference between drugs, they can get themselves into serious trouble in that w