Study the following passages and point out what type of diction each chiefly depends on. 1.The moped (i.e. a small two-wheeled vehicle with an engine) wasn't much to look at, but it ran. The tires were completely smooth, except for the occasional patch of cord showing through. The front wheel was definitely not round. The frame was rust and blue, and I could make out remnants of a P and an O. It looked Italian-I figured it had to be a Piaggio . 2. Manners are also important in social situations such as parties. When a friend calls with a pa rt y invitation, one should check the date and either accept or decline. Responding promptly to an invitation is an example of good social manners . When attending the party, one shou ld not bring people along who weren't invited. A guest who shows u p with five or six other people will probably not be invited again. When leaving the party it is polite to thank the host and ask if he or she needs any help cleaning up. Friends feel appreciated when they are treated this way. 3. Love means that I know the person I love. I'm aware of the many sides of the other person-not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies, and flaws. I have an awareness of the other ' s feelings and thoughts, a nd I experience something of the core of that person. I can penetrate social masks and roles and see the other person on a deeper level.