【简答题】Change the following writer-oriented expression into a reader-oriented expression: We offer an online business writing course that we have complete faith in.
【简答题】Change the following writer-oriented expression into a reader-oriented expression: Tuesday is the only day that we can promise quick response to requests; we are swamped the rest of the week.
【简答题】Change the following writer-oriented expression into a reader-oriented expression: To enable us to update our stockholder records, we ask that the enclosed card be returned.
【单选题】Writer-oriented prose is more suitable for _________ writings.
【单选题】In writer-oriented writing, the ________ is expected to be responsible for the comprehension of the text.
【判断题】在阿里国际站上,买卖双方除了通过 即时通讯软件实时在线洽谈外,还可以通过发询盘邮件等方式进行交易磋商。