【单选题】The diagram shows a plant cell. In which labelled part of the cell is sugar made?
【多选题】“诚”更多的是指“内诚于心”,“信”则偏重于“外信于人”,“诚”乃( ),“信”则是( )。
【简答题】n. [C] the long thin part of a plant, from which leaves, flowers, or fruit grow (植物的)茎,根,柄
【单选题】A plant with variegated leaves has the starch removed from its leaves by placing it in a dark cupboard for 48 hours. Black paper is then fixed on one leaf as shown and the plant is exposed to light. A...
see the picture above,chose the right answer
see the picture above, and chose an answer
see the picture above,find the right answer
【单选题】Which structure is considered the female reproductive part of a flowering plant?
【单选题】在儒家思想文化中“诚信”被赋予极其丰富的内涵,以下关于其解析正确的是:()。 ①“诚”侧重于主体的自我修养,“信”则侧重于主体和客体的相互作用 ②“诚”是指“内诚于心”,表现为真诚、诚实、诚恳等 ③“信”是指“外信于人”,表现为讲信义、守信用、重承诺 ④“诚”和“信”连用,则有诚实守信、表里如一、道德品质与道德行为相统一的丰富内涵 ⑤“诚”和“信”连用的目的是集结人心、使天下人团结一致