【单选题】I see this principal all over as I go through my day. I see rims on car wheels that cost upwards of $ 500, just for a little bit of decoration on a vehicle. I see people spend four or five dollars for...
people are getting much richer than before
it's necessary for people to accept the concept of exchanging the money for something of comparable value
there is a decline in product quality that people have to renew them all the time
commercials are making us happier and more content
【简答题】U1-6:Read the description of a company ’ s culture and complete the sentences with phrases from the box. project-driven we value generally, we try to take care we see ourselves as the focus i...
【简答题】A piece of clothesline hangs between some environmentally friendly Americans and their neighbors. On one side stand those who see clothes dryers (干衣机) as a waste of energy and a major polluter ...
【简答题】阅读下面这首诗,完成11~12题。 晚登龙门1驿楼 许浑鱼龙多处凿门开,万古人知夏禹材。青嶂远分从地断,洪流高泻自天来。风云有路皆烧尾,波浪无程尽曝腮2。心感膺门3身过此,晚山秋树独徘徊。[注] 1龙门:相传为夏禹治水的重要工程之一。2曝腮:据传,鲤鱼跃过龙门,“即有云雨随之,天火自后烧其尾,乃化为龙矣”。无法跃过者,则“曝鳃点额,血流此水”。 3膺门:东汉李膺礼...
【单选题】西阁夜 1 杜 甫 恍惚寒山暮,逶迤白雾昏。 山虚风落石,楼静月侵门。 击柝 2 可怜子,无衣 3 何处村。 时危关百虑,盗贼尔犹存。 [ 注]1 766 年,诗人移居夔州,初寓山中客堂,秋后,离西阁。该诗写于移居西阁时。2击柝,敲梆子巡夜。《易》:“重门击柝,以待暴客。”是说设置多道屋门,击柝巡夜,以防强盗。3《诗·秦风·无衣》:“岂曰无衣,与子同袍。” 1 . 下列对这首诗的赏析,不恰当的一...