【单选题】In the early period of Middle English, ______ replaced English as the official language in England.
【简答题】In the early period of Middle English, English, _________ and Latin existed side by side.
【单选题】先秦时期的名家代表人物公孙龙认为,“马者,所以命,形也;白者,所以命,色也。命色者,非命形也,故曰‘白马非马’。”公孙龙之所以得出“白马非马”的谬论,其原因在于他混淆了( )
【简答题】机场候机厅 观众喜好 观众投诉 n. 可行的建议 (思考问题的)角度、观点 知识渊博 真实性、可信性 n. 真实的,可信的 adj. 复查,复核 总结反馈
【单选题】In the early period of Middle English, English, ( ) existed side by side.
【单选题】一般纳税企业采购货物取得的增值税专用发票上所列示增值税额,都可记入“应交税金———应交增值税(进项税额)”科目。( )
【判断题】At the beginning of Middle Ages, Europe experienced a period of Renaissance.
【单选题】Which of the following statements is correct as to the middle period of Victorian Age?
a period of economic prosperity and cultural diversity
a period of social unrest
a period of decay of Victorian values