【简答题】Two copies of the contract will be sent to you for (sign) .
【单选题】The contract will be perfect but for a few small ( ) in its wording.
【单选题】水面宽>100m时,设置多少条监测垂线?( )
【单选题】( )浙江嘉兴烟雨楼紧挨着的湖泊,清代著名诗人朱彝尊曾以组诗的形式描写这一湖泊周边的景色和风土人情。
【单选题】The contract will be _____ at the end of the month.
【单选题】当 你的邻居在深夜两点弹钢琴时,你 别 气恼,你可以在四点钟 时 叫醒他,并告诉他你 很 欣赏他的演奏。
【单选题】刘某,13岁,男,两天前冒雨淋湿,症见恶寒发热无汗,咳嗽吐痰清稀,头身疼痛不适,其脉象可见( )
【单选题】If we still haven’t received the relevant L/C by the end of this month, the ___of the contract will be delayed.