Here are four statements relating to the features of different types of organisation: A This type of organisation can sell its shares to the public. B This type of organisation is owned and run by two or more people who are legally indistinguishable from the organisation itself. C This type of organisation is controlled by the government. D This type of organisation is owned and democratically controlled by its members. Required: (a) Identify the description above which is associated with each of the following types of organisation, by selecting A, B, C, D or none. (i) Private limited company (ii) Partnership (iii) Public limited company (iv) Co-operative (v) Public sector organisation (vi) Bole trader (b) Below are four types of organisation: A Charities B Schools C Limited companies D Police forces Required: Write down which two of the' above are most likely to be classified as part of the private sector by selecting TWO of the letters from (A, B, C, D).