【简答题】肥料是粮食的“粮食”,在春耕中,肥料的合理使用是必不可少的一环,我们常说的肥料三要素是指()、()、() A氮 B磷 C钾 D硫
【单选题】Here, so profligate has its use become the air conditioner is almost______the automobile of the national tendency to overindulge in every technical possibility, to sue every convenience to such excess...
as glaring a symptom as
as glaring as a symptom
【简答题】In nearly every country, the most popular hobby is stamp collecting. There are probably only a few boys and girls who have not collected stamps at some time. Most children do not collect stamps seriou...
【简答题】(小数点后保留三位小数)某船定额吨位 20000 吨,某段时间活动情况如图表所示: 装 15000 吨 装 10000 吨 装 15000 吨 ↓ ↓ ↓ A B C A B 600 海里 ↓ 500 海里 ↓ 400 海里 ↓ 600 海里 卸 10000 吨 卸 15000 吨 卸 15000 吨 在港时间 20 天,航行 18 天,修理 2 天; A 、 B 、 C 表示港口。求: 1、载重...