【判断题】The Book of Fan Shengzhi introduced the principle of cultivation that season and soil mattered in agricultural activities.
【简答题】In Book of Fan Shengzhi , the author emphasized the use of _______ production technology in farming.
【单选题】The case for Dangerous Goods in question was badly crushed and was returned to dock shed and ().
【多选题】什么是自我意识,自我意识是个体对自己身心状态的觉察和认识,包括( )
【判断题】The Book of Fan Shengzhi provided a detailed description of compartment method (区田法) about cultivation.
【单选题】It looks the case crushed was not strong enough to stand voyage.
【单选题】螺纹的直径中,( )是与外螺纹牙顶或内螺纹牙底相重合的假想圆柱面的直径,又称公称直径;