【单选题】下面对话中,乙的话表面上看违背了( )准则,但却含蓄地表达了对方的话是错的这一“特殊会话含义”。 甲:贝鲁特是在秘鲁吧? 乙:我想,罗马一定在罗马尼亚了。
【单选题】Which of the following statements in relation to liquidated damages is correct?
Parties to a contract must stipulate an amount of money as liquidated damages
A party to a contract may claim liquidated damages and deposit where the other party breaches the contract
Where they are significantly higher than the damages incurred, a party may petition the court to make an appropriate reduction
They are a form of punishment in nature
【多选题】在 smb.conf 文件中有如下的表达%U,该表达的含义是:
【单选题】当合同约定的违约金过分高于因违约行为造成的损失时,违约方( )。
【单选题】当合同约定的违约金过分高于因违约行为造成的损失时,违约方( )。
【判断题】( )用户对电磁兼容性有较高的要求(电磁干扰和防信息泄漏)时,宜采用屏蔽布线系统。
【单选题】当合同约定的违约金过分高于因违约行为造成的损失时,违约方( )。
【单选题】当合同约定的违约金过分高于因违约行为造成的损失时,违约方( )。
【简答题】什么是会话含义?请分析下面的对话有什么样的会话含义。 甲:张三和李四两个人水平怎么样? 乙:李四办事稳重,文字功底扎实,表达能力也很不错。
【多选题】What relation does the word “secretary” have with other words in the sentence “The new secretary doesn’t like me?”