【单选题】His time in the army certainly ________ him up.
【简答题】大陆漂移说是解释地壳运动和海陆分布、演变的学说,由德国气象学家魏格纳在()年首次提出。 A1872 B1900 C1912 D1945
【单选题】1912年,德国地质学家、气象学家阿尔弗雷德·魏格纳在《大陆与海洋的形成》一书中提出大陆漂移学说,认为中生代地球表面存在一个泛大陆,这个超极大陆由于地球自西向东( )后来产生多次分裂、漂移,经过二亿多年的时间,形成了现在的七大洲四大洋。
【单选题】His time in the Army must have taught him to keep the contents of his life in good______.
【多选题】餐饮市场营销的任务除“确定营销目标”外,还有三项很重要具体说来是:( )
【单选题】响应时间反映湿敏元件在相对 ( ) 变化时输出特征量随相对湿度变化的快慢程度。
【单选题】1912 年,德国气象学家魏格纳提出的( )假说,是地质科学革命性的开端。
【单选题】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? ______.
Parents should be more tolerable towards their children.
The young generation should value the older generation for their wisdom.
The generation gap is partly created by the older generation.
The generation gap should be avoidable in American society.