【单选题】为了解居民对小区物业服务的意见和看法,管理人员选取了50户居民,上门通过问卷进行调查。这种收集数据的方法称为( )
【单选题】Because of______ reviews, the producer announced that the play will close with tonight's performance.
【单选题】喜欢用文字思考,用语言表达,是哪一项智能的特征( )。
【单选题】美国的梅奥诊所是世界上最具影响力、代表世界最高医疗水平的医疗机构之一,其核心价值是:( )
【单选题】What does the speaker talk about?
The role he's going to play in the lab.
The workbook pupils are going to use.
The experiment the pupils are going to do.
【简答题】The play p_____ on January at the Guild Theatre and was a box office hit.( the first public performance of a play or any other type of entertainment)