【多选题】Which are acceptable as a summary of the original sentence in the following pairs?
People whose professional activity lies in the field of politics are not, on the whole, conspicuous for their respect for factual accuracy. Politicians seldom lie.
Failure to assimilate an adequate quantity of solid food over an extended period of time is absolutely certain to lead, in due course, to a fatal conclusion. Lack of food causes death.
The climatic conditions prevailing in the British Isles show a pattern of alternating and unpredictable periods of dry and wet weather, accompanied by a similarly irregular cycle of temperature changes. British weather is changeable.
It is undeniable that the large majority of non-native learners of English experience a number of problems in attempting to the phonetic patterns of the language. It cannot be denied that many non-native learners of English experience a lot of problems in attempting to the phonetic patterns of the language.
【单选题】( )断口呈灰白相见的麻点状,性能不好,极少应用
【简答题】男,44岁。因消瘦、口渴、乏力3月就诊。空腹血糖9.4mmol/L,尿糖阴性。现口渴引饮,饮食减少,精神不振,四肢乏力,体瘦,舌质淡红,苔白而干,脉弱。其可能的诊断是A、糖尿病 B、血脂异常 C、甲亢 D、甲减 E、肾性糖尿病 其中医治法为A、清热润肺 B、清胃泻火 C、滋阴固肾 D、益气健脾 E、滋阴温阳 其首选治疗方剂是A、桃红四物汤 B、消渴方 C、六味地黄丸 D、金匮肾气丸 E、七味白术散...