【多选题】建设单位办理工程竣工验收备案应提交的材料包括( )。
【简答题】某具有进出口经营权的摩托车生产企业,2010年11月份生产经营情况如下: (1)当月自某生产性小规模纳税人处购入生产材料一批,取得代开的增值税专用发票,注明材料金额48万元。 (2)外购摩托车备件,支付价款480万元、增值税81.6万元,取得增值税专用发票;支付运输费用48万元,取得运输单位开具的普通发票。 (3)一般贸易出口方式向国外销售摩托车800辆,折合人民币400万元;在国内销售摩托车30...
【单选题】Developing modern telecommunications is a(n) _____ necessity for the small African country since it will help the country develop new technologies.
【单选题】Estimating schedule activity costs involves developing an(4)of the cost of the resources needed to complete each schedule activity. Cost estimating includes identifying and considering various costing...
【多选题】建设单位办理工程竣工验收备案应提交的材料包括( )。
【单选题】Developing modern telecommunications is a(n) ______ necessity for the small African country since it will help the country develop new technologies.
【单选题】Developing modern telecommunications is a(n) ______ necessity for the small African country since it will help the country develop new technologies.