【单选题】听力原文:W: Are you coming to Jo's housewarming party on Saturday? Susan is going to give me a ride to the party. M: How could she? She doesn't have her licence yet. Q: What does the man mean? (13)
Susan should not be driving.
Susan is not going to the party.
Susan is not a driver.
Susan is not kind enough to give the woman a ride.
【简答题】甲公司与乙运输公司签订一份运输协议,约定将价值 20 万的货物从 A 市运送到 B 县丙公司,期限为 5 天。乙公司运输货物的第 4 天,遇到大雾天气,高速路被封。货车司机张 X 为按时将货物送达,在未请示乙公司的情况下,私自决定走小路赶往 B 县。在途中,因道路不平而导致翻车,货物散落,被过往行人哄抢一空。张 X 也在阻拦中受伤。 此案中 : 1、 货物的损失由谁赔偿 ? 2、 张 X 的医药费...