【单选题】甲、乙发生合同纠纷,继而对双方事先签订的仲裁协议的效力发生争议。甲提请丙仲裁委员会确认仲裁协议有效,乙提请丁人民法院确认仲裁协议无效。根据《仲裁法》的规定,下列表述中,正确的是( )。
【简答题】从下列A----J选择正确词语填空。 写下相应字母。 4. a person who buys and uses goods or services; a person whose needs are satisfied by producers ( ) Terms : A. market B. demand C. product D. consumer E. marketing st...
【简答题】因为妈妈在客厅休息,所以他踮起脚尖悄悄地走进了自己的卧室。( auf Zehenspitzen gehen/schleichen )
【简答题】Match the words or phrases on the top with their meanings on the bottom. 1. opportunity 2. export 3. profit 4. exchange 5. participate 6. consumer 7. additional 8. legal 9. party 10. specialize in A. ...
【简答题】30岁农民,男性。2周前收割时被鼠咬伤,3天前出现发热、头痛、腰痛,最高体温39.0℃,伴恶心、呕吐,1天前出现头晕、冷汗。查体:面色苍白,脉细弱,血压测不出,背部及腋下可见搔抓样出血点。下列疾病诊断可能性最大的是A、登革热 B、肾综合征出血热 C、钩端螺旋体病 D、败血症 E、急性胃肠炎 该患者病程中引起血压下降的主要原因是A、大出血 B、内毒素作用 C、血浆外渗 D、继发感染 E、电解质紊乱
chance; a favorable moment
a person who buys and uses goods and services
one of the people involved in an argument, agreement, etc.
【简答题】a person who buys and uses goods or services; a person whose needs are satisfied by producers ( ) A. market B. demand C. product D. consumer E. marketing strategies F. promotion G. mark...