【单选题】Given table T1 has column I1 containing the following data: I1 1 2 3 4 If the following sequence of SQL statements is applied within a single unit of work: UPDATE t1 SET i1 = 3 WHERE i1 = 2; S AVEPOIN...
【单选题】窗体上有一个名称为 Command1 的命令按钮。要求编写程序,把文件 f1.txt 中的内容写到文件 f2.txt 中,然后将文件 f1.txt 删除。命令按钮的单击事件过程如下: Private Sub Command1_Click () Open "C:\f1.txt" For Input As #1 Open "C:\f2.txt" For Output As #2 Do While No...