【单选题】存在程序,请问输入45,输出为()。 #include int main() { float mark ; char grade ; scanf( "%f", &mark ) ; if ( mark >= 70 ) grade = 'A' ; else if ( mark >= 60 ) grade = 'B' ; else if ( mark >= 50 ) grade = 'C' ; el...
【简答题】It is reported that _________ adopted children want to know who their natural parents are. A) the most B) most of C) most D) the most of
【简答题】A.The adopted Romanian children. B.The adopted disabled kids. C.The adopted overseas kids. D.All the adopted children.
【单选题】—Is the boy your own son? —No. He is an _____ child _____ himself Martin.
【判断题】在其他条件保持不变的情况下,改变双线传输线某一根导线的半径,对另外一根导线表面的电场强度没有影响( )
【单选题】许多阴离子聚合反应都比自由基聚合有较快的聚合速率,主要是因为( )
【判断题】增值税小规模纳税人当期支付的增值税进项税额,不能从销售商品或提供应税劳务或应税服务过程中发生的增值税税额中抵扣。( )
【单选题】On Dec 23 ______, the US Food Security Act (P.L. 99-198), an omnibus farm bill, was adopted into law.