【简答题】The biggest festival 1______ the Chinese calendar is the New Year. The date 2_____ the New Year depends 3______ the moon so it changes every year, but it is always 4_____ January or February. 5_____ C...
【判断题】Decentralized production is favored if differences between countries in factor costs have a substantial impact on the costs of manufacturing in various countries.
【单选题】填入下面甲、乙、丙、丁处正确的一项是( ) 小美同学的数学考砸了。爸爸责备她:“ 跟你说了多少遍,不要骄傲,不要骄傲,你就是不听,真是 甲 !” 妈妈劝慰她:“ 乙 !孩子,咱不着急,没准儿这还是个好事呢!”爷爷袒护她:“我孙女学习一向很认真的,这次考得不好,也许是老师的缘故,不是有句老话叫做 ‘ 丙 ’ 吗?”老师在短信中鼓励她:“小美同学:一次考砸不算什么。希望你 ‘ 丁 ’ ,提高自己的学习...
【单选题】If we conduct factor ysis for investigating the impact of sustainability in performance of hotels, what data about hotel companies is the least relevant?