【单选题】What problem occurs?
The man dialed the wrong number.
The woman connected him to the wrong extension.
The man used the wrong name.
The woman misread some information.
【简答题】What is a medical problem that occurs as a result of another illness or disease?
【单选题】What is usually the cause of the problem when amphiboly occurs?
【单选题】Computer programmer.
【简答题】2008年5月29日,广东省委、省政府下发《关于推进产业转移和劳动力转移的决定》,动员和部署全省进一步推进“双转移”工作,促进广东区域经济协调发展。 材料一:“双转移”具体是指珠三角的产业向东西两翼、粤北山区转移(图中箭头①);而东西两翼、粤北山区的劳动力,一方面向当地二、三产业转移(图中箭头③),另一方面其中的一些较高素质劳动力,向发达的珠三角地区转移(图中箭头②)。 广东省产业转移和劳动力转移...
【单选题】Secondly, even if we know that dominance, intelce, or tallness is associated with effective leadership, we have few clues about what dominant or intelt or tall people do to influence others ...
【单选题】“睡城”也称“卧城”,主要指大城市周边人口相对集中的大型社区或居民点,人口虽然大量入住,但是仅局限于晚上回家睡觉,白天照样开车或乘车赶往市中心上班。燕郊隶属于河北省三河市,是我国众多“睡城”中的典型代表。每日跨省上班的京漂族,在燕郊和北京之间的道路上,呈现出明显的“潮汐式”流动。下图为燕郊相对位置示意图,图中箭头及数字表示京漂族每天上班的方向及平均距离。 人口 “潮汐式”流动会给北京带来一系列的问...
【单选题】a company is conducting a risk ysis on a project. one task has a risk probability estimated to be 0.15. the task has a budget of $35,000, if the risk occurs, it will cost $6,000 to correct the pro...