【简答题】解释下面句子中加点字的意义 1、 原 庄宗之所以得天下,与其所以失之者,可以知之矣。( ) 2、方其 系 燕父子以组,函 梁君臣之首。( ) 3、此三者,吾遗 恨 也。( ) 4、及凯旋而 纳 之。( )
【单选题】Which of the following is an example of consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce?
Alyssa makes an online deposit of $5,000 into her friend's account.
Seray buys a gift for Vanessa on Forever.com.
Jerry, a manufacturer, conducts business over the Web with its retailers.
Ashley buys a new pair of shoes on Fequette.com.
Jay bought a second hand guitar using the Gumtree app.
【单选题】Jay bought a second hand guitar using the Gumtree app. What type of E-commerce is demonstrated in this example?
【简答题】找出古今词并解释古义: 1、如会同 2、比及三年 3、 吾与点也 格式举例:加之以师旅 师旅:侵略的
【简答题】19找出一词多义,并解释 与: 1夫子喟然曰:吾与点也 ( ) 2 唯求则非邦也与( )
【简答题】已知函数 f ( x )是 y = -1( x ∈R)的反函数,函数 g ( x )的图像 与函数 y =- 的图像关于 y 轴对称,设 F ( x )= f ( x )+ g ( x ). (1)求函数 F ( x )的解析式及定义域; (2)试问在函数 F ( x )的图像上是否存在两个不同的点 A 、 B ,使直线 AB 恰好与 y 轴垂直?若存在,求出 A 、 B 的坐标;若不存在,说明理...
【单选题】The value of which can be counted in China's GDP calculation?
Jay Chou's Shanghai concert ticket
The bridge built by Chinese worker in Nigeria
Roses planted and used by Miss Lee
Second-hand BMW bought by Professor Wang
【简答题】五、重点虚词(解释虚词的意义) 1、以 (1)以吾一日长乎尔 (2)加之以师旅: 2、如 (1)方六七十,如五六十: (2)如其礼乐: 3、亦 亦各言其志也已矣: 4、唯 唯求则非邦也与。 5、尔 (1)以吾一日长乎尔: (2)子路率尔而对曰: