【简答题】案例: 《泥土的生命——古代陶器与瓷器》英文导入 (1)教师在黑板上写英文单词China:让我们一起来大声读这个单词好吗? 这个单词是什么意思?——中国 (2)“China”还有一个解释,那就是:瓷器。 (3)有谁知道马可·波罗的故事吗? 总结:中国有着9000多年的制陶历史,中国的陶瓷艺术长期影响着世界各地陶瓷艺术的发展。今天,我们继续来感受陶文化。 说明:由China这个单词,我们发现,“陶瓷...
【单选题】Assume you built a new house, bought a used car, and bought some government bonds. Which of the following is true?
Consumption and government purchases went up since you bought a used car and government bonds
Consumption and investment went up since you bought a used car and government bonds
Investment and government purchases went up since you built a new house and bought government bonds
Investment went up since you built a new house
【单选题】Do you want ____ a new book? [ ]
【单选题】在PowerPoint 2010的各种视图中,可以同时浏览多张幻灯片,便于重新排序、添加、删除等操作的是
【单选题】You could ________ this a really nice room if you bought a new carpet.
【单选题】在PowerPoint 2010的各种视图中,______可以在同一窗口中显示、查看多张幻灯片。
【简答题】3 英文拼写纠错: 在用户输入英文单词时,经常发生错误,我们需要对其进行纠错。假设已经有一个包含了正确英文单词的词典,请你设计一个拼写纠错的程序。 (1)请描述你解决这个问题的思路; (2)请给出主要的处理流程,算法,以及算法的复杂度; (3)请描述可能的改进(改进的方向如效果,性能等等,这是一个开放问题)。
【单选题】I will ______ you a new bike. [ ]
【单选题】Now you have bought the new desks, ______ will you do with the old ______?