【单选题】山下:今日 パーティーが ありますから、田中さん()来てください。 田中:ありがとうございます。
【简答题】It may not be news to parents of age girls, but researchers have confirmed that no one can stop their 16-year-old daughter from deciding how the family spends its money. The willpower and determin...
【简答题】Women are a force for change in Australian society. The pride of place given to men as almost the sole shapers of Australian history is being challenged. Today husbands more often than no share househ...
【判断题】当传感器的输入量按同一方向作全量程连续多次变化时,所得特性曲线不一致的程度,这种现象称之为 重复性。
【单选题】We may conclude that the country being discussed is not the United States ______.
because expenditures for food declined
from the statement that the saturation point was rapidly being approached for first household radios
because no mention is made of military expenditures
because the people were affluent