【简答题】患儿女,6岁。因有机磷农药中毒入院,主诉胸闷、恶心、视力模糊,查体:瞳孔缩小、大汗、流涎,心率50次/分。该患儿表现出的症状称为A、阿托品化 B、中间型综合征 C、烟碱样症状 D、毒蕈碱样症状 E、休克 该患儿呼出气体呈A、烂苹果味 B、苦杏仁味 C、腥臭味 D、氨臭味 E、蒜臭味 针对该有机磷中毒患儿的特效解毒剂是A、亚甲蓝 B、碘解磷定 C、醋酸钙 D、碳酸钙 E、钙铝制剂
【单选题】My grandfather doesn't know to use a computer.
【单选题】Which of the following is not true?
The computer doesn’t work.
There’s something wrong with my computer.
The computer has something wrong.
Something is wrong with my computer.
【单选题】------Which of the two computer games did you prefer? ------Actually I didn’t like________.
【简答题】Which of the following is suggested by computer experts? [ A] Don ' t rush to open any e-mail attachment. [ B ] Never open any e-mail attachment. [ C] It ' s always safe to open an e-mail attachment f...