【单选题】In the movie Moana ,Moana said,‘Because it saw someone who is worthy of _______. ’因为它觉得你命不该绝。 ( )
【单选题】(8)江河是生命的源泉,也是人类古代文明的发源地。如黄河、尼罗河、恒河、幼发拉底河与底格里斯河等孕育了灿烂的古代文明,产生了中国、埃及、印度、( )等文明古国。
【单选题】In the movie Moana , she sang, ‘ It's like the tide always falling and rising.’ ( )
【单选题】In the movie Moana , her father asked, ‘Have you tried using a different bait ? ’( )
【判断题】In the movie Moana, Moana said to Maui, ‘Maybe the Gods found you for a reason.’ 意思是说:也许天神发现你是有原因的。( )
【单选题】In the movie Moana ,Grandma believed, ‘Someone will journey beyond our reef. ’Here it means ( )