【判断题】If borrowers and lenders agree on a nominal interest rate and inflation turns out to be greater than they had anticipated, lenders will gain at the expense of borrowers.
【简答题】A、B、C都是元素周期表中的短周期非金属元素,它们的核电荷数依次增大。A原子的核外成对电子数是未成对电子数的2倍,B原子的最外层p轨道的电子为半满结构,C是地壳中含量最多的元素。D、E是第四周期元素,D原子核外最外层电子数有1个电子,其余各层电子均充满;E原子核外未成对电子数在同周期中最多。请用对应的元素符号或化学式填空: (1)A、B、C的第一电离能由小到大的顺序为 。 A和C的氢化物沸点大小关...
gain in periods of high inflation, lenders or savers loses.
【简答题】Babies who are slow to gain weight in the first months of their lives generally catch up to their peers by age 13,a large UK study shows, Researchers said the results would make parents whose babies f...
【单选题】Borrowers can gain access to the surplus funds of savers______.
by issuing securities to savers
through financial intermediaries
by purchasing securities such as stocks and bonds