【单选题】安全生产的“五要素”是指安全文化、安全法制、( )、安全科技和安全投入。
【多选题】混凝土振捣机械,按工作方式不同分为( )等几种。
【单选题】What does the sentence 'For a politician looking to make the often-bloodless debate over health care come alive, this is a huge opportunity' (the last paragraph) suggest?
Politicians can take advantage of misdiagnosis cr to debate.
The government should consider setting up a better medical system.
Health care is a good topic for the politicians to debate about.
Politicians should debate over how to create opportunities for people.
【简答题】the bloodless revolution in 1688 was referred to as __
【单选题】This was a _____ to today's bloodless revolution.
【单选题】安全生产的“五要素”是指安全文化、安全法制、( )、安全科技和安全投入。
【判断题】The Glorious Revolution is also called “the Revolution of 1688” and “the Bloodless Revolution”.