【单选题】There used to be a big tree near here, ________? [ ]
【简答题】公文写作的规范要求。() A生动地反映事实,鼓励文学手法 B为组织管理服务,提倡个性化写作 C具有规范体式,符合公文格式标准 D采用生活语言,拒绝公文式标准
【单选题】A University Degree-选择题目.mp3: 1. What will happen if the woman doesn't pay her tuition by the due date?
She'll have to pay a significant late fee.
She'll be required to register again for school.
She'll need to wait a semester to take classes.
【简答题】【练习•不定项选择】丁公司2017年工作中存在以下情况: (1)财务部经理张某努力学习理论知识,抓住公司经营管理中的薄弱环节,以强化成本核算和管理为突破口,将成本逐层分解至各部门并实行过程控制,大大降低成本,提高了经济效益。 (2)为帮助各部门及时反映成本费用,落实成本控制指标,会计人员徐某精心设计核算表格,并对相关人员进行核算业务指导,提高了该项工作的质量。 (3)新兴公司财务经理找到丁公司王某...
【单选题】Although _____ by Xiamen University wasn’t far beyond his dream, he couldn’t afford the tuition.
【单选题】______any computers in your office?
【单选题】The majority of children attend state schools where the tuition is free but parents need to pay for stationery, books, examination fees, school uniform. and sports wear and other boarding and lodging.