【单选题】This weekend's Independence Day festivities in Washington, DC, when the National Mall is jammed for the traditional concert and fireworks extravaganza, is a boom time for flag dealers, refreshment sta...
High-ranking officials in US corporations.
Top-level US government officials like a defense secretary.
Principals in US universities.
【简答题】America has had many Presidents who have been famous all over the world. People from other countries know the names Washington, Kennedy(肯尼迪) and so on. However, many men who have served as President o...
【简答题】Back in 1969,it was the Apollo 11 crew who flew to the moon in a spaceship.When U.S.astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz”Aldrin stepped foot on the moon,they were the first.Meanwhile,their ...
【判断题】Jackie lives in a big house.
【单选题】When Mad Cow disease was discovered on a Washington ranch, Japan issued a temporary ban on beef exported from the U.S. This incident illustrates how a __________ environment can affect domestic indust...
【简答题】以下程序实现了一个带异步清0、异步置1的D触发器。请填空补齐程序。 module DFF1(q, d,clk,set,reset); input d,clk,set,reset; output reg q; always @(posedge clk or ____ set or posedge reset) begin if (!reset) q <= 0; //异步清0,低电平有效 else i...