我们从小所看的很多著名中的小说,比如《鲁滨逊漂流记》《茶花女》《乱世佳人》《教父》《纳尼亚》等,都出自于中国各个时期的优秀翻译家之手, 那么快来试一下,你是否有成 为专业翻译人员的潜质: 请根据你自己的理解,用优美的语言将Unit 1 课文Text 1 翻译出来,注意对内容翻译不可以无中生有。 In early March spring warms up the whole city of Shanghai. There is gentle wind most of the time. The air is fresh and clean; the sun is strong; the river level rises; willows on the river bank are stirring the air in the sunlight; peach blossoms are blooming. Birds join this splendid spring picture, making it livelier than ever. Nice weather and bright spring scenery make March one of the best months to visit Shanghai. Data of Shanghai Weather in March Average Temperature: 9 °C / 48 °F Average High Temperature: 13 °C / 55 °F Average Low Temperature: 5 °C / 41 °F Average Humidity: 60% Average Rainfall: 94.3mm Average Rainy Days: 10 days Time of Sunrise: 05:45~06:21 Time of Sunset: 17:53~18:13 Average AQI: 84 Cold weather can come as a surprise. Sometimes when Shanghai is hit by cold air, it seems that winter has not gone yet. So bring a sweater and an overcoat with you. A light coat and a long-sleeved T-shirt are enough in the sun.