【简答题】已知:如图1,△ OAB 是边长为2的等边三角形, OA 在 x 轴上,点 B 在第一象限内;△ OCA 是一个等腰三角形, OC = AC ,顶点 C 在第四象限,∠ C =120°.现有两动点 P 、 Q 分别从 A 、 O 两点同时出发,点 Q 以每秒1个单位的速度沿 OC 向点 C 运动,点 P 以每秒3个单位的速度沿 A → O → B 运动,当其中一个点到达终点时,另一个点也随即停止....
【单选题】which structure can formed embry:
【单选题】According to Dennis Embry, how do terrorists reach their goals?
By overlooking the most obvious of everyday life.
By setting up new symbols for a nation's daily life.
By turning symbols of everyday life into fear and anxiety stimulant.
Through hijacking big planes from the most famous international airlines.