【判断题】(高中Unit 7)判断下面的译文是否正确。With the demands of job,children,managing a home, leisure activities and socializing, many people are forced to do several things simultaneously.译文: 由于工作,孩子,管理家务,休闲以及社交活动,许多人不得不持...
【判断题】(高中Unit 7)判断下面的译文是否正确。Advanced countries have repalced traditional dangers to health with new ones and these are often more different to cure.译文:在发达国家,新的威胁健康的因素替代了过去的因素,而这些会更加难以治愈。
【判断题】(高中Unit 7)判断下面的译文是否正确。如果你乘坐公交车去学校,为什么不提前两三站下车然后走完剩下的路程呢?译文:If you go to school by bus, why not get off the bus two or three stops eary and walk the rest of the way?